Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to print the music I receive right away? No, you can store the title on your computer or mobile device, and print it when you need it. Once you've received the file in your email, Internet access is not required to print the music.

I paid for the PDF version. How and when will I receive the music? Once you pay, PayPal will send us notification and you will receive your purchase in email as an attachment usually within 24 hours. If there are any issues with this, a dropbox will be created and you will be sent a link to it.

Can I print extra copies for my friends? You know the answer, but to be clear, unless otherwise stipulated, your purchase entitles you to print one copy of the purchased parts. If your friends really like the arrangements, point them to our website!

If I don't like my purchase, can I get a refund? Due to the nature of digital downloads, we can't offer refunds. If you experience trouble with any file, contact us and we'll make every effort to make sure you're satisfied!

Can I have a custom version of "X"? We can accommodate some minor customization easily (such as a transposed part), and possibly a version of a quartet or quintet piece for a different ensemble, just ask for a quote! We are also available for custom charts, time and resources permitting.

Would you like to have a recording of my group playing your arrangement? Absolutely! Video would be even better! If we get enough of these we may put them up on the website (with your permission of course.)

Copyright All content on this web site is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America and in other countries. Unless otherwise specified, no one has permission to copy or republish, in any form, any content found on this web site. Removing or changing any copyright notices on this content is prohibited.

Disclaimer You are authorized to view and download the content available from this web site for personal, non-commercial, informational purposes only. No part of the content of this web site may be redistributed, copied, or reproduced for commercial use without prior written consent of Bob Shuster or Hot Apple Spider Productions.